The Bethany School Improvement team is a group of representatives that work together to implement continued growth and improvement at our school. This team is made up of teacher representatives from each grade level, parents and community members that each have a stake in our school. This team is elected by our staff to represent each stakeholder and they meet monthly to engage in dialog, create and work on our School Improvement Plan and implement programs or changes to improve our school.
Our School Leadership Team for 2024-2025 is represented by the following members:
Principal: Josh Eanes
Assistant Principal: Misty Corum
IC/AIG: Kim Shotwell
Counselor: Kellie DeLapp
School Psych: Meagan Morrow
Classified: April Long
Parent: TBD
1st: TBD
2nd: TBD
3rd: TBD
4th: TBD
5th: TBD
Enhancement: TBD
Our School Leadership Team meets monthly and are open to the public and anyone can attend. Some meetings do include a closed session that pertains directly to school safety and security. Dates are subject to change due to additional meetings and to accommodate severe weather.
Our School Improvement Plan is located on the Indistar website. This is a web-based tool that guides our school in charting our improvement and managing our continuous improvement process. Updates are made regularly in the plan. Check it out using the link and information below.
Link to Indistar
Username - GuestS17170
Password - GuestS17170