Enrolling Your Child
Parent information needed for Registration:
Certified Birth Certificate
Immunization Record
Proof of residence (street address) - examples: utility bill, lease/mortgage paperwork, notarized letter of residency
Kindergarten Registration Information - 2024-2025 K101 Presentation
2024-2025 Kindergarten Introductory Brochure
Children must be age 5 on or before August 31 (of the current school year) to be eligible to attend kindergarten.
For more information, call your neighborhood school or June Nealy, Director of Elementary Programs, at 627.2680 or Email June Nealy.
Immunization Requirements (Kindergarten, 7th Grade)
All students entering public school in North Carolina are required to submit a current and up to date certificate of immunization within 30 days of school attendance. Students who have NOT provided the immunization record to the school within 30 days will NOT be allowed to attend school until the immunization certificate is received. Neither a transcript nor school data management immunization record is the official immunization certificate. Parents are responsible for obtaining the immunization certificate and providing it to the school. Records from previous schools will be requested as a courtesy to parents; however, the 30 day rule will still apply if records are not received within 30 days of the first day of school attendance.
Kindergarten Immunization Requirements (effective 7/1/2015)
5 DTP/DTaP doses: 5th dose on or after 4th birthday. If 4th dose is after the 4th birthday, 5th dose is not required.
4 Polio vaccine doses: 4th dose on or after 4th birthday. If 3rd dose is after 4th birthday, 4th dose is not required.
1-4 Hib doses: Series is complete if 2nd, 3rd, or 4th doses are given on or after 12 months of age.
If 1st dose is given at 12-15 months of age, two doses are required.
If 1st dose is given on or after 15 months of age, only one dose is required.
3 Hepatitis B vaccine doses: 3rd dose must be given on or after 24 weeks of age.
2 Measles vaccine doses: 1st dose on/after 12 months of age and 2nd dose before entering school.
2 Mumps vaccine doses: 1st dose on/after 12 months of age and 2nd dose before entering school.
1 Rubella vaccine dose: On or after 12 months of age.
2 Varicella vaccine doses: 1st dose on or after 12 months of age, and 2nd dose is required before entering school.
7th grade immunization requirements (effective 7/1/2015)
TDaP: 1 dose
Meningococcal Conjugate Vaccine (MCV): 1 dose
12th grade Immunization requirement (effective 7/1/2015; implemented 8/1/2020)
Meningococcal Conjugate Vaccine (MCV): 1 dose
Absences will be marked as unexcused for students who fail to turn in the required information by the 30th day; however, students will be allowed to make up their missed work. The parent or student should contact the student’s teacher(s) to arrange to obtain missed work.
Additional Immunization Information (click to view)
Health Assessment Form - (Kindergarten and new students to NC Public Schools)
Evaluación de la Salud Español
Student Information Form: