Career and College Promise (CCP)
By earning these credits while still in high school, students can get a head start on the next phase of their education and save thousands of dollars in tuition. For a much more detailed explanation of Career & College Promise, including enrollment requirements, read our Career & College Promise Overview .
North Carolina’s Career and College Promise program provides seamless dual enrollment educational opportunities for eligible high school students to accelerate completion of college certificates, diplomas, and associate degrees that lead to college transfer or provide entry-level job skills. There are two pathways in which an eligible high school student can enroll:
1. College Transfer Pathways
2. Career and Technical Education Pathways
College Transfer Pathways
The College Transfer Pathways are designed for eligible students who wish to begin earning tuition free college credit towards a baccalaureate degree. RCC offers multiple college transfer pathways for students who wish to begin studies in Arts, Fine Arts, Sciences, Engineering, and Teacher Preparation. Students may be enrolled in ONE College Transfer Pathway. For more information about these pathways, visit: RCC College Transfer Pathway
Career and Technical Education Pathways
Career and Technical Education (CTE) Pathways are programs of study to provide expanded opportunities for eligible high school students to participate in Career and Technical Education tuition free courses and to expose students to a variety of high-skill career options. CTE Pathways lead to certificates aligned with one of the 16 National Career Clusters also recognized in Rockingham County Schools. For more information about these pathways, visit: RCC Career Technical Pathway
What is the Process?
Students who attend Rockingham County Schools (RCS) must follow RCS process for enrollment.
Scroll down to Career and College Promise (CCP)
View the Rockingham County Schools College and Transfers Pathways for 9th and 10th Graders Presentation for information regarding process.
Follow process which begins with a meeting with your high school counselor
New Student CCP Enrollment Steps for Juniors and Seniors
Complete the RCC online application per the CCP Application Instructions.
Complete the CCP Enrollment Form. After submission, student will receive a confirmation email that includes next steps.
Provide High school transcripts.
Students who attend Rockingham County Schools and Bethany Community School give RCC access to transcripts through CFNC on the RCC online application.
Charter, Private and Homeschool students must submit typed transcript that includes student grade level, high school courses completed and in progress and unweighted high school GPA to ccp@rockinghamcc.edu. Here is an an acceptable transcript example as well as a transcript template example.Meet with RCC CCP staff to discuss course requests.
Attend required CCP Orientation
Returning Student CCP Enrollment Steps
Complete the CCP Enrollment Form
Provide update high school transcript
Students who attend Rockingham County Schools and Bethany Community School give RCC access to transcripts through CFNC on the RCC online application.
Charter, Private and Homeschool students must submit typed transcript that includes student grade level, high school courses completed and in progress and unweighted high school GPA to ccp@rockinghamcc.edu. Here is an an acceptable transcript example as well as a transcript template example.Meet with RCC CCP staff to discuss course requests
Attend required CCP Orientation
9th and 10th Grade Students
Qualified freshmen and sophomores may enroll in a College Transfer Pathway. Current options include Associates in Arts Transfer Pathway, Associate in Science Transfer Pathway, Associate in Fine Art, Visual Arts Transfer Pathway, Associate in Arts Teacher Preparation Transfer Pathway, Associate in Science Transfer Preparation Transfer Pathway and Associate Degree Nursing Transfer Pathway.
A qualified freshmen or sophomore must meet the following criteria:
Be identified as gifted by:
Local AIG plan in English/reading and math; or
An approved aptitude and achievement test evidence by a score between the 92nd-99th percentile. For a list of approved test visit: https://buros.org/tests-reviewed-mental-measurements-yearbook-series
Demonstrate college readiness on approved assessments in English, reading and math.
List of approved assessments. Students who would like to take the RISE placement test at RCC should contact Chandra Caple caplec@rockinghamcce.edu for more information.
Receive the following recommendations
High school principal verifying maturity to enroll
AIG Coordinator, if applicable
RCC’s Vice President for Academic Affairs
Written consent of parent or guardian
Receive academic advising prior to enrollment
General Policies, Eligibility Guidelines, and Application Process
1. The pathway selected must be aligned with the student’s course of study.
2. Students must meet all pathway eligibility criteria for the selected pathway as well as continued eligibility to continue program participation.
3. Students must register through their high school with all applicable school level approvals.
4. The student should be enrolled for at least 50% of the instructional day and progressing toward graduation at the high school. Additional criteria may apply to student athletes for North Carolina High School Athletic Association participation rules.
5. Tuition is free. The student is responsible supply costs. Supply costs may include the costs associated with a required uniform, tools, kits, and other equipment. Parents and students are strongly encouraged to review t supply costs prior to enrolling in programs.
6. Classes are offered on RCC’s campus (es), online, and at select high schools.
7. Students will use Blackboard as the Learning Management System at RCC along with a separate RCC email address and other required technology.
8. Students who successfully complete a Career & Technical Education certificate program with a minimum 2.0 FTCC GPA will be eligible to participate in the RCC spring commencement ceremony.
9. College courses are reflected on the high school transcript.
10. Per state board policy,
1-2 college semester hours= 0 high school credit
3-4 college semester hours= 1 high school credit
5-8 college semester hours=2 high school credits
9 or more college semester hours=3 high school credits.
11. College courses recognized on the NC Universal General Education Transfer Component Agreement may have additional weighted value on the high school transcript.
12. RCC course descriptions may be found by visiting: Rockingham Community College Course Catalog
Career Coaches
Grace Blaylock | Nina Devone |
Dalton McMichael High School | Reidsville HIgh School |
Morehead High School | Rockingham County High School |
336 342-4261 ext. 2216 | 336 342-4261 ext. 2223 |