Retirement Information
NC Retirement System - (919) 814-4590 the Call Center is open Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Please Note: Currently, the Call Center takes a lunch break from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm
Teachers and State Employees Handbook
If you would like to sign up for a Retirement Meeting with the North Carolina Retirement System online please click here to register.
Retiring in the next 3-4 months?
Complete the form and give it to your Principal/Director
The office of Human Resources will contact you to schedule a retirement meeting once the Resignation Form is received
Once you complete Step 2 of the Retirement Process, you are eligible to get your Retiree Badge, which allows you to get in to school events for free. These badges are done at Central Office on Monday's or as Kiesha Watkins meets you for that step.
If you have missed getting your badge, please email Mason Paschal to set up a time for an available Monday.
For additional information, please contact Kiesha Watkins in Human Resources at or 336-627-2678.