Parents & Students
Teachers and students at Stoneville participate in state recognized curriculum and instruction. Stoneville utilizes N.C. Essential Standards as the guide for our planning, curriculum, and classroom lessons.
If you have questions regarding standards being taught please contact the following:
Your child's teacher
Your child's school:
Kasie Pruitt, Principal
Denise Sears, Instructional Coach
In North Carolina, state legislation mandates that public schools identify and serve academically or intellectually gifted (AIG) K-12 students. Each LEA determines how to identify and serve its own AIG student population. This honors local context and supports each LEA to do what is best for its own AIG student population. LEAs must adhere to state legislation, which guides LEAs and defines academically or intellectually gifted students, and also use the NC AIG Program Standards, as a guide in the development of local AIG plans and programs.
RCS provides a number of resources to help navigate our elementary school programs. Click below to explore different links or visit even more resources on the RCS District Page.
Find out more about our SPLASH (Spanish Language Immersion Program) by following the link below.
Rockingham County Schools is pleased to offer our eBook program on Sora. Our digital collection contains over 5700 titles available for checkout. Please see your school's Media Coordinator for log in information.