All About the Library
Welcome to Leaksville Spray's Media Center. There are a number of helpful resources and links for both parents and students.
Media Mission

As teacher - librarians, our mission is to ensure that students are effective users of ideas and information.
Media Center Objectives:
The Leaksville Spray Elementary School Library is dedicated to promoting information literacy and reading. The library media center supports the entire school community and the entire curriculum with a wide variety of media and services.
Please help your child remember the following Media Center guidelines for checking out books:
K-2 students may check out 1 book at a time.
3-5 students may check out up to two books at a time. One must be a nonfiction book. However, if the student has 1 or more books overdue or missing he/she will be limited to checking out 1 book at a time until the missing book(s) are found and returned.
Exceptions can be made for special circumstances. Speak with your school librarian.
Check-outs are for a 2-week period.