Our School
Parents & Students
The mission of South End Elementary School is to reach and teach all children who enter our classrooms and help them to reach their highest potential.
We believe as teachers, staff members and parents:
All students can learn.
Learning should take place in a 21st century environment to help students become globally competitive citizens.
All students deserve a safe, caring, and nurturing environment.
All students deserve our best effort each and every day.
All students’ education is a collaboration involving school, home, and the community.
In our school you will see our mission and vision statements in the following ways:
Use of 21st Century teaching techniques and technology
P.B.I.S. for a safe, caring and nurturing environment for our students
Teacher’s who are prepared daily for optimum teaching
Collaborative lesson plans aligned with RCS Pacing Guides
Knowledgeable staff with up-to-date staff development skills
The use of data to drive instruction for students
Open communication between home and school
The involvement of our community as a support for South End School both financially and in time and service to our students as available
Monitoring of students who are experiencing academic difficulty through Personalized Education Plans with teacher interventions and through our Student Services Management Team that include team interventions as needed for student success
Use of state, local and Federal money to support best practices in teaching and learning and to involve our parents as partners in education
Evident in the honors and recognitions that South End has aspire to in the past and hope to continue to aspire to in the future such as:
2010 National Title I Distinguished School,
2010 NC PBIS Green Ribbon School and
2011 & 2012 NC PBIS Model School
As well as the various recognitions that you can see on display in our front lobby revealing a proud heritage from the past and present.