What is PBIS?
PBIS stands for Positive Behavior Intervention and Support which is a school wide program that focuses on the positive actions we want students to practice. The program ensures that all school stakeholders are consistent with rules and consequences for negative behaviors. A team is in place that surveys students, staff and parents about areas of concern in the school. A team develops guidelines for that area and lesson plans to support teachers and students being on the same page with expectations.
South End's PBIS Motto: South End Bears are on the PROWL!
Respect for
Ourselves, Others, and Property
Red Paws and Dojo Points:
Red Paws are given to an entire class by staff members observing students following PBIS expectations. Administrators can award classes a golden paw. ]
Students receive DOJO points from classroom teachers for meeting PBIS expectations.
How do we practice respect in our cafeteria?
Respect Others
Keep both knees under the table
Use appropriate level voice
Respect Ourselves
Remember all items while in line
Be alert- Watch where you are going
Respect Property
Leave your area clean
Place ALL trash in appropriate trash can
Respect Learning
Make healthy choices
Make proper selections from daily choices
How do we practice respect in our hallways/sidewalks?
Respect Others
Walk on the right
Walk in a line
Give others space
Respect Ourselves
Be careful
Be alert- Watch where you are going
Respect Property
Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself- Off walls, displays, student work and other objects
Respect Learning
Use a "0" voice level unless speaking to an adult
How do we practice respect in our classrooms?
Respect Others
Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself
Stay in your assigned area
Use polite and kind words
Respect Ourselves
Be prepared
Complete assignments by trying your best
Follow directions the first time
Accept consequences without argument and complaint
Report problems to your teacher
Respect Property
Use materials appropriately
Ask permission to use classroom materials
Respect Learning
Follow classroom rules and procedures
Use appropriate voice level
Raise your hand and wait to be addressed
How do we practice respect on the playground?
Respect Others
Use hands, feet and equipment appropriately
Keep moving while on the track
Follow directions the first time asked
Respect Ourselves
Wear appropriate footwear
Be aware of your surroundings
Respect Property
Use equipment properly
Collect all personal/classroom belongings before returning inside
Respect Learning
Stay in designated areas
Take turns, play cooperatively, share equipment and include others
How do we practice respect on the bus?
Respect Others
Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself
Keep materials in your book bag
Respect Ourselves
Follow safety rules
Watch for your stop
Report problems to your bus driver
Respect Property
Keep bus clean
Take care of seats and windows
Respect Learning
Stay seated
Follow your bus driver's directions
How do we practice respect in the Media Center?
Respect Others
Follow the CHAMPS guidelines during class.
Move safely in the library.
Use kind words and keep your hands and feet to yourself.
Respect Ourselves
Try your best on all assignments.
Return books on time
Respect Property
Use bookmarks instead of folding a corner of a page down
Keep books safe from dirt, water, food/drink, small children and pets
Respect Learning
Use “0” voice while Mrs. Ralph is teaching.
Say “NO” to cheating and plagiarism
How do we practice respect in the bathrooms?
Respect Others
Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself
Respect the privacy of others
Respect Ourselves
Wash and dry hands thoroughly
Report any problems to an adult
Respect Property
Use bathroom facility appropriately
Take only necessary materials into bathroom
Keep bathroom clean
Respect Learning
Use a "0"voice unless speaking to an adult
Line up against the wall and keep doorways clear
RED PAW Certificate Earnings
Teddy Bear-15 (certificate)
Panda Bear-25 (certificate)
Black Bear-35 (certificate)
Brown Bear-45 (certificate)
Polar Bear-55 (certificate)
Grizzly Bear-75 (certificate)
Kodiak Bear-100 (certificate & picture w/Benjamin Bear)
DOJO Points
Each Friday, our counselor announces DOJO point drawing winners on the morning announcements.