Our School
On this page you will find a number of resources to help you navigate the school system as well as important forms, enrollment information, and student programs. Click on a thumbnail below for more information.
Alert Now
Rockingham County Schools utilizes the Alert Now: Connect 5 Phone Notification Service.
Your child’s school will be utilizing the Alert Now: Connect 5 service for:
Back to School
Parent Conferences
Special Events
End of Grade Testing Dates
Sports Cancellations
Report Card Distribution
Make Up School Day Reminder
PTO/PTA/PTSO/Booster Clubs
Emergency Messages
Attendance / Absence Notification
The district will be utilizing the Alert Now:Connect 5 service for:
Weather Related Information
Emergency Messages
Other Important Information
To update your primary and emergency contact information, please call your child’s school.
To receive a replay of school and district messages sent to your phone, call 1-855-4-REPLAY or 1-855-473-7529.
Anyone who accidentally opted out of their RCS/school automated phone calls can easily opt back in. Call 855-502-7867 and select option 2. The call MUST be made from the opt-in phone number, which means schools cannot add a phone number for families. We don't want you to miss any important messages!
Read to Achieve
Read To Achieve is a part of the Excellent Schools Act passed into NC law in July 2012 and applies to all schools beginning 2013-2014 school year. Read To Achieve focuses on preparing students to be proficient readers by the end of 3rd grade. Click the link below to learn more about Read to Achieve as well as other elementary resources.
Parent Involvement
Want to know ways that you, a Williamsburg parent, can support your child's school?
Please click on the links below for more information. Thank you for your support!
Volunteering in the library helps the entire school! We appreciate our volunteers in the library! We welcome your help with keeping our library looking beautiful and in order. Your help is not only a GREAT example to our students, but it also ensures that all books are available to our ROCK STAR READERS!
If you have extra time and would like to help we will welcome you with open arms. If you would like to help the students and staff at Williamsburg school, please come by the library and help us get some of the 5,000 books that are checked out each month back on the shelves. Guaranteed to bring a big smile to our faces!
Student Resources
Pre-Kindergarten Dolch Sight Words
Kindergarten Dolch Sight Words
Second Grade Dolch Sight Words
Smithsonian - Museum of Natural History: http://www.mnh.si.edu/
Open Library: http://openlibrary.org/account/login
FREE site to read books. You just follow this link, sign-up by creating a username and password and then ENJOY!
PebbleGo: http://www.pebblego.com/login.php
Tumblebooks: http://www.tumblebooks.com/library/asp/home_tumblebooks.asp
Wixie: http://www.wixie.com/
NC Wise Owl
Discovery Education / United Streaming United Discovery Streaming: http://streaming.discoveryeducation.com/
Keyboarding Practice:
EOG Practice and Assessment Assistance
Math Resources
Math is Fun - - http://www.mathsisfun.com
Sumdog - http://www.sumdog.com/
Multiplication Resources - http://www.multiplication.com/
Math Facts Practice - http://www.harcourtschool.com/menus/math2004/math2004_gr3.html
Create a Pie Chart - http://nces.ed.gov/nceskids/createagraph/
Brainpop - http://www.brainpop.com/math/
Math Arcade Games - http://www.arcademicskillbuilders.com/
Math Resources - http://www.amug.org/~jbpratt/education/math/onlineact.html
Online Calculators - http://www.math.com/students/calculators/calculators.html
Baseball Math - http://www.funbrain.com/math/index.html
Shepard Resources (Cross-Curricular Links) - http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/
Fractions - http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/maths/fractions/
Place Value - http://www.gamequarium.com/placevalue.html
Math Resources - http://www.ixl.com/math/
AAA Math - http://www.aaastudy.com/mul.htm
Free Rice Website (Donation Site) - http://www.freerice.com/
Internet Classroom (Math) - http://www.internet4classrooms.com
Fishy Fractions - http://streaming.discoveryeducation.com/braingames/iknowthat/Fractions/FractionGame.cfm?Topic=fractionpiematch
Hooda Math - http://hoodamath.com/
EOG Practice - http://cuacs8.mck.ncsu.edu/mathsampleitems/main.html
Study Jams (Math and Science Resources) - http://studyjams.scholastic.com/studyjams/index.htm
Math Dictionary (Acute Angles) - http://www.mathsisfun.com/angles.html
Cool Math - http://www.coolmath.com/
Math Playground - http://www.mathplayground.com/
Reading / Language Resources
8 Letters Word Game - http://www.eastoftheweb.com/games/Eight1.html
Text Twist - http://www.coffeebreakarcade.com/games/texttwist/instructions.htm
Sports Illustrated (Reading Comprehension) - http://www.sikids.com/
Acrostic Poetry - http://www.readwritethink.org/materials/acrostic/
Scholastic Story Starters - http://teacher.scholastic.com/activities/storystarters/storystarter1.ht
Scholastic Activities - http://teacher.scholastic.com/activities/clf/tguidesitemap.htm
Language Review - http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/web_games_vocab.htm
Sight Word Activities - http://www.familylearning.org.uk/sight_word_games.html
Letter Generator - http://www.readwritethink.org/files/resources/interactives/letter_generator/
Black History Month / Presidents' Day
African-American Timeline - http://www.infoplease.com/spot/bhmtimeline.html
Famous Pioneers - http://www.infoplease.com/spot/bhmfirsts.html
Rags to Riches Triva - http://www.quia.com/rr/95033.html
Famous African-Americans (Quia Matching Activity) - http://www.quia.com/jg/586520.html
The Civil Rights Museum (Greensboro, NC) - http://www.sitinmovement.org/visit/events-calendar.asp
President's Day Resources - http://www.apples4theteacher.com/holidays/presidents-day/
Living Presidents - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Living_Presidents_of_the_United_States
The White House (Student Resources) - http://www.whitehouse.gov/about/white-house-101
The White House - http://clinton4.nara.gov/WH/glimpse/top.html
Abraham Lincoln Resources/Trivia - http://www.apples4theteacher.com/holidays/presidents-day/abraham-lincoln/
Money and Coins - http://www.marshu.com/articles/presidents-on-us-united-states-paper-bills-currency.php
Early Primary Activities - http://www.first-school.ws/theme/educational-resources/black-history-month.htm
Match the Face (Black History Resource) - http://pbskids.org/aaworld/face_flash.html
Global Awareness
September 11th (Brainpop Video)
United Streaming Segment (September 11th)
Timeline 1 (Remembering September 11th)
Timeline 2 (After September 11th)
Bullying (Global News)
Feeding America - Scroll over the different states to see their hunger statistics and compare
Practice basic skills while earning rice for hungry people worldwide - www.freerice.com
World Health Organization Hunger Factsheet - Uplifting and concerning facts about the current state of international hunger - McBrier, Page. Beatrice's Goat. Aladdin, 2004. ISBN-13: 978-0689869907
USDA “Food Pyramid” - http://www.mypyramid.gov/downloads/MiniPoster.pdf
A visual diagram of our nation’s current dietary suggestions.
USDA “A Close Look at My Pyramid.” - http://teamnutrition.usda.gov/resources/mpk_close.pdf
In-depth analysis of how the food pyramid can be used for your own dietary purposes.
Global Awareness For Kids - http://www.globalawareness.com/forkids.asp
Concept Map - Fighting Hunger
Digital Etiquette (Brainpop Video)
Free Brainpop Resources http://www.brainpop.com/free_stuff/
Brainpop (Bullying) http://www.brainpopjr.com/health/besafe/bullying/
Japan's Tsunami http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/video/2011/mar/14/japan-tsunami-amateur-footage-video
Global Trek http://teacher.scholastic.com/activities/globaltrek/
American Heart Month Resources http://www.apples4theteacher.com/holidays/american-heart-month/
21st Century Technology
Voki - http://www.voki.com/
Google Earth (Features) - http://www.answers.com/topic/google-earth
What is a Blog? - http://oit.montclair.edu/documentationpdf/what_is_blog.pdf
Why Blog? - http://edublognology.wordpress.com/2009/03/31/to-blog-or-not-to-blog-in-the-classroom/
Concept Maps - https://bubbl.us/
Click on the link below to access the Rockingham County Schools Transportation online registration form:
Student Insurance
Student insurance is available upon request. Parents will be given the opportunity to sign up for the insurance at the beginning of the year if they do not already have medical insurance for their child. Enrollment brochures are available throughout the year. There are several options available, including school day coverage for $10.00.
After-School Care
The Reidsville YMCA provide an after-school care program at our school for all students who wish to enroll. The cost of the program is set by the YMCA and all fees are handled there. For more information, you may contact the Reidsville YMCA at 342-3307.
Edutopia's "Parents Guide to 21st Century Learning."
Rockingham County Public Library
Produced by the Resources Development and Evaluation Section of the Instructional Technology Division of the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI), this resource provides links to electronic databases and reviewed websites that students can use to complete project-based learning assignments. For older children in the home, please click Middle School Zone or High School Zone to be directed to other age appropriate resources.
Used in Kindergarten through Second grade, this program provides a strong foundation in phonological/phonemic awareness, phonics and spelling.
(USDE): A link to the USDE pamphlet series, "Helping Your Child".
A link to PowerPoint flashcards to help with learning and retaining addition and subtraction facts.
Pronounced (kee-ah), this webpage allows users to search all shared activities that are published via Quia Web (subscription service that allows teachers to create online activities). Just choose a subject area to get started. Fill in Keyword and/or use Sub-Category information to help narrow your search.
A collection of practice problems that go along with the N.C. State Math standards.
Some games are better than others, but with thousands to choose from, every child should be able to find something he or she likes.
Arcade Type Math Games (computation skills tied to racing-type or blasting-type games)
What is PBIS? PBIS represents Positive Behavior Intervention and Support which is a school wide program. Our behavior program focuses on the positive actions we want students to practice. This program ensures that all school stakeholders are consistent with rules and consequences for negative behaviors. A team is in place that surveys students, staff and parents about areas of concern in the school. A team develops guidelines for that area and lesson plans to support teachers and students being on the same page with expectations.
Rockingham County currently has 17 schools that have implemented PBIS. Each year, the state of North Carolina recognizes schools for their level of implementation of PBIS.
Green: Implementation Inventory and School Wide Evaluation (SET) Fidelity Check of at least 80% or higher.
Model: Implementation Inventory and School Wide Evaluation (SET) Fidelity Check of at least 90% or higher.
Exemplar: This is the HIGHEST level of recognition. Implementation Inventory and School Wide Evaluation (SET) Fidelity Check of at least 95% or higher, Evidence of Improved Academic Achievement for at least 2 consecutive years, and also Evidence of Improvement as evidenced by Behavior Intervention Supports for at least 2 consecutive years .
2012-2013 Williamsburg was in the IMPLEMENTING stage of PBIS. This was our first year and Williamsburg was recognized as a MODEL BANNER school
2013-2014 Williamsburg Elementary was recognized as a MODEL BANNER school
2015-2016 Williamsburg Elementary was recognized as a EXEMPLAR BANNER school
PBIS Expectations - click PBIS Expectations to see PBIS Matrix
Williamsburg ROARS PBIS!!
Willie the Wildcat loves to ROAR!!
R Respect Everyone
O Observe Safety
A Actively Listen & Learn
R Remember Responsibility
Ask your child about PBIS and listen to them ROAR!!
Staff and students attended our PBIS Fair. Students listened to special guests explain expected behavior in these areas and gave examples of unacceptable behaviors as well. Look at the fun we had while learning about our expectations!