Any choral or band student may audition to participate in the All-County Band or Chorus. This is sponsored by Rockingham County Schools and is an excellent opportunity for our students.
Athletics & Activities
WRMS has several clubs and activities for students. Each club has a staff sponsor. We encourage as many students as possible to become active in the school-sponsored activities.
Battle of the Books

All-County Band or Chorus

Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Anyone can be a member. All three grade levels are welcome. You do not have to be a member of a school athletic team to be a member of the FCA. We will have fun, snacks, service projects, devotional time or guest speaker, and fundraisers. We will meet on the first and third Thursdays of each month unless told otherwise. We want to display the love of Christ to our campus and community.

Student Government
Students in 6th, 7th, and 8th grade who are interested in leadership at WRMS have the opportunity to serve as either a class representative or officer in our Student Government Association. SGA Members are required to demonstrate leadership qualities, exhibit exemplary conduct, maintain good attendance and strong academic standing, as well as fulfill the duties of his/her office.
Various SGA activities planned for this school year include sponsoring events such as school dances and pep rallies, a Thanksgiving/Christmas Food Drives, a Red Cross Blood Drive, and the Barry L. Joyce Cancer Support Center fundraiser.
In addition, students may be required to participate in campus and community service and other fundraising projects.
As an SGA member, students may be required to stay after school for meetings or activities.
Ms. Fitzgerald and Mrs. Gardner are excited to be working with our new SGA this year
Member include the reps from each homeroom

Beta Club
Only eighth grade students are eligible to become WRMS Beta Club members. The Beta Club promotes academic achievement and outstanding character. Members are expected to hold fast to the principles of citizenship, scholarship, and service that the organization is based on. Requirements for membership include: all A's and B's on report cards and a good conduct record.
During each grading period students are expected to maintain a high academic average. Advisors will review the grades at the end of each semester.

Drama Club
This club is open to sixth, seventh, and eighth grade students. They meet once a week after school. Attendance is mandatory to remain in the club. Drama club members learn the craft of acting as well as other aspects of the theater. This is an exciting organization, with periodic field trips and student productions.

Just for Girls Club
Open to any 6th, 7th, or 8th grade girl. Our motto is Just for Girls, Just for Fun! Some of our fun activities have included Zumba, making crafts, learning the newest line dances, making healthy snacks, and pampering ourselves by making lip gloss and face wash. Club meets monthly after school. Come Join The Fun!!!

Students may apply to be on the yearbook staff. It is open to 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students and meets every morning before homeroom. Students will do online design layouts of the yearbook, promote the yearbook, and take pictures to possibly be included in the yearbook.

There are a number of athletic activities to choose from. Check back often to view updated schedules and information.