Morning Check-in Procedures

Students arrive between 8:30 and 9:00 am. NO STUDENTS WILL BE ALLOWED IN THE BUILDING BEFORE 8:30 AM. Parents with specific concerns should contact the principal. Car riders are considered tardy after 9:00 am. Students who arrive on a late bus are not marked tardy.
All electronic devices, including cell phones, are turned in when students enter the building. Phones must be off when students enter the building. Cell phones and other personal belongings are returned to students at the end of the day. Failure to follow the rules regarding cell phones or other electronic devices may result in the loss of the privilege to bring those items to school. Failure to turn in electronic devices may result in the device being confiscated by administration and may also require a parent to come to collect the device.
All students are searched. Shoes/socks are removed and searched. Students should not bring book bags to school. All necessary materials are provided by classroom teachers. Students should come to school dressed appropriately. Students are not to change clothes on the bus or after they arrive at school in order to be in dress code. Clothing must be worn right side out.
Students are not allowed to bring money into the building. All students receive free breakfast and lunch.
Any questions about the procedures and expectations should be addressed during the orientation process.