BTWLC Mission Statement
The mission of BTWLC is to offer an alternative educational setting within a safe and nurturing learning environment. We emphasize respect for oneself and others and acknowledge that every child has the potential to succeed.
To guide us in our mission, our school community upholds the following beliefs:
Every child can learn, and it is our duty to address their learning needs.
We maintain high and consistent expectations for both our students and ourselves.
We commit to consistently adhering to a structured Code of Discipline.
Historical Information
The Booker T. Washington High School Heritage Association maintains a mini-museum within the BTW Learning Center. The museum houses photos, artifacts, and information about past principals, teachers, students, and sports teams throughout the school’s history. The Booker T. Washington High School served African-American students of Reidsville and Rockingham County until it closed in 1969 after Rockingham County schools were integrated. The Booker T. students went to Reidsville High School, which became Reidsville Junior High. Some of the items housed in the museum date as far back as 1887 and include artifacts such as old band instruments, black and white yearbook photos, microscopes, and team memorabilia.
Click HERE to view the 100th Celebration Video that provides a more in-depth history of BTW.