💖 Happy Valentine’s Day from Rockingham County Schools! 💖 Today, we celebrate love, kindness and appreciation for the incredible students, staff and families who make our district so special! Whether it’s a smile from a friend, a heartfelt “thank you,” or a simple act of kindness, let’s spread love and kindness throughout our schools today and every day! #HappyValentinesDay #OurStudentsOurFuture #EducationWithHeart #WeLoveOurSchools
2 days ago, Rockingham County Schools
rcs logo
⏰ Weather Alert: RCS on a Two Hour Delay for Students Due to forecasted inclement weather, Rockingham County Schools will operate on a two hour delay for all students tomorrow, Wednesday, February 12, 2025. Please take your time and we’ll see you a little later than usual!
5 days ago, Rockingham County Schools
rcs logo
The RCS Board of Education recognized our schools exceeding academic growth for the 2023-2024 school year: Dillard Academy, Leaksville-Spray Elementary, Lincoln Elementary, South End Elementary, Stoneville Elementary, Wentworth Elementary and Western Rockingham Middle!!
5 days ago, Rockingham County Schools
seven school administrators and dr. stover at board meeting
⏰ Weather Alert Update⏰ Due to the updated forecast of inclement weather, Rockingham County Schools will be closed for all students tomorrow, Tuesday, February 11, 2025 with an optional workday for staff. Daycare will open at 8:30 am - parents provide snack & lunch.
6 days ago, Rockingham County Schools
rcs logo
⏰ Weather Alert: RCS on a Two-Hour Delay ⏰ Due to forecasted inclement weather, RCS will operate on a two-hour delay for all students and staff tomorrow, Tuesday, February 11, 2025. The two-hour delay does include RCS Child Care Services. Please stay tuned for any additional information on our website, social media and local news affiliates. Please take your time, stay safe on the roads, and we’ll see you a little later than usual!
6 days ago, Rockingham County Schools
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🚨 Attention RCS Parents & Guardians! 🚨 Join us for an important Parent Information Session with District Attorney Katy Gregg as we tackle crucial topics impacting our students today, including: ⚠️ Bullying ⚠️ Drugs & Vaping ⚠️ Sextortion ⚠️ Truancy 📅 Date: February 18, 2025 📍 Location: WRMS Auditorium ⏰ Time: 6:00 PM This session will provide valuable insight to help parents protect and support their children. Don’t miss this opportunity to stay informed! Tag a fellow parent and spread the word! #RCSParentSession #KeepingOurKidsSafe #StayInformed
6 days ago, Rockingham County Schools
Parent Info Session with DA Katy Gregg february 18, 2025 at 6pm at western rockingham middle school
RCS Celebrates School Bus Drivers! Bus drivers are the person who ensures their safety each time they step on the bus. On School Bus Driver Appreciation Week, we send our appreciation and support for our bus drivers and thank them for taking care of our children!!
6 days ago, Rockingham County Schools
picture of heart with school buses - Happy school bus driver appreciation week - the school bus is the safest vehicle on the road for children
Good evening, Leaksville-Spray families. This is Ms. Scales with your weekly message. This week we will be celebrating Love the Bus. We appreciate all of our drivers and monitors and can’t wait to celebrate them this week. You can help us out by thanking a bus driver or any other staff that helps with transportation operations. Our Battle of the Books team will compete in the elementary preliminary round this Tuesday, February 11. We are so proud of their hard work and we wish them well. Parents, we are excited to celebrate the 100th day of school this Wednesday, February 12th. Please encourage your child to participate in celebrating this great accomplishment. Please go ahead and save the date. Our next Title I event, Food Lion Guiding Star Night, is scheduled for Tuesday, February 25. This Title I event will be held at Food Lion on South Van Buren Rd. Students will learn about the Guiding Stars nutrition program and have an opportunity to win prizes. Parents and families will also have an opportunity to walk away with prizes. Please plan to join us on February 25. We are looking forward to another amazing week! As always, thank you for all you do and have a great evening!
7 days ago, Leaksville-Spray Elementary
Feb 10-14
RCS is excited to announce our 5 upcoming K101 Information Sessions for all families with rising kindergarten students! Welcome Class 2038!!
9 days ago, Rockingham County Schools
five kindergarten sessions: February 19, and 20, March 6, 11 and 17 at various locations
flyer in spanish for five kindergarten sessions: February 19, and 20, March 6, 11 and 17 at various locations
Happy February! Good evening, Leaksville-Spray families. This is Ms. Scales with your weekly message. The PTO Booster Fundraiser kicked off this past week. The fundraiser will run until February 10th. Keep up the good work and thank you for helping support LSE. Parents, please remember that our 3rd, 4th and 5th graders will be taking their second Check Ins this week. Testing is scheduled to begin promptly at 8:30 am on Tuesday and Wednesday morning. Our fifth graders will be taking their science check in on Thursday beginning at 8:30am. Please be sure your child gets a good night’s sleep and arrives at school on time. PTO will be hosting a Skate Night at the Roll-A-Bout on Thursday, February 6. Please remember that students must be accompanied by an adult to attend. We are looking forward to another amazing week! As always, thank you for all you do and have a great evening!
14 days ago, Leaksville-Spray Elementary
Feb 3-7
February dates
**There will be a substitute driver on bus 208 again tomorrow morning (1/30/25). Please prepare for delayed pick up times. We apologize in advance for any inconveniences this may cause.** We will have our first semester awards programs on 1/30/25 and 1/31/25. If you plan to attend, please plan to arrive no earlier than 15 minutes prior to the ceremony start time. Thursday, January 30th, 2025 8:30 am: 5th Grade DARE Graduation & Awards Friday, January 31st, 2025 8:30 am: 1st & 2nd Grade Awards 9:45 am: 3rd & 4th Grade Awards 1:00 pm: Kindergarten Awards
18 days ago, Leaksville-Spray Elementary
The RCS Board of Education has accepted two draft calendars for public comment for the 2025-2026 school year. These calendars are available for those who wish to contribute feedback by filling out the attached Google form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdBfkGc8wltQKHUcIQE7rMi3vfkHaCUifla3XbsiuSU4ztS-Q/viewform?usp=header Traditional Calendar Option 1 has Spring Break April 6-10, 2026 found at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NkjflCfQT324zWlaP2J5hx_QS291bw12/view Traditional Calendar Option 2 has Spring Break March 30-April 3, 2026 found at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/16nL084wP-q5Rp9zHWVhX8ySftixhL9j-/view All responses must be received no later than February 20, 2025.
19 days ago, Rockingham County Schools
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Good evening, Leaksville-Spray families. This is Ms. Scales with your weekly message. Information about the PTO fundraiser went home last week. The fundraiser will kick off on Monday. Please help support PTO and our school. Report cards will be sent home with students on Thursday, January 30th. If you have any questions about your child’s progress, please contact your child’s teacher. Please don’t forget that we will have 1st Semester Awards Programs on January 30 and 31. Please see Class Dojo for grade level times. We hope you will come and help celebrate our students and their accomplishments. We are looking forward to another amazing week! As always, thank you for all you do and have a great evening!
21 days ago, Leaksville-Spray Elementary
January 27 - 31
Hey everyone! Our school is running a Product Sale Fundraiser powered by Booster, and we need your support! From delicious treats to unique gifts, we have something for everyone. Every purchase helps support our students' educational activities and programs. Check out this video for more information: https://vimeo.com/967965275/f23af4b956?share=copy Your student will be coming home with a fundraising packet with more information on 1/21/25. Thank you for supporting our school and helping our students thrive!
25 days ago, Leaksville-Spray Elementary
help our school
Don't forget! There is no school for students on Thursday 1/23/25 and Friday 1/24/25 this week. These days are teacher work days.
25 days ago, Leaksville-Spray Elementary
Teacher work days
The Edulog Bus Portal app provides RCS families with planned time and location information for your child’s bus ride to and from school. The app will show you the GPS location of the bus and send you a push notification when it is nearing the student’s bus stop. This app is free.
26 days ago, Rockingham County Schools
edulog parent portal information
Good evening, Leaksville-Spray families. This is Ms. Scales with your weekly message. There will be no school for students and staff tomorrow, January 20th in honor of the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday. Parents, please remember that Tuesday, January 21st and Wednesday, January 22nd are now student days. However, Thursday, January 23rd and Friday, January 24th are teacher workdays. There will be no school for students on Thursday and Friday this week. We will have 1st Semester Awards Programs on January 30 and 31. Please see class dojo for grade level times. We hope you will come and help celebrate our students and their accomplishments. We can’t wait to see students back in the building on Tuesday morning, ready to learn. We are looking forward to another amazing week! Thank you for all you do and have a great evening!
28 days ago, Leaksville-Spray Elementary
Jan 20-24
🌟 Holiday Reminder - All RCS Offices & Schools Closed🌟 On Monday, January 20, 2025 Rockingham County Schools will be closed in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. This day reminds us to reflect on Dr. King's vision of equality, justice and unity for all.
28 days ago, Rockingham County Schools
US flag with mlk jr. day and in obsevance all rcs offices and schools ae closed
📢 Attention Rockingham County Schools Families: Rockingham County Schools will operate on a normal schedule tomorrow, Wednesday, January 16, 2025. Students and staff should report at the regular time. Have a great evening!
about 1 month ago, Rockingham County Schools
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Dear RCS Students and Families: Rockingham County Schools ​w​ill operate on a 2-hour delay for students tomorrow, ​Wednesday, January 1​5th. Staff will report ​at their normal time. RCS Childcare will operate on its normal schedule. We look forward to seeing you tomorrow!
about 1 month ago, Rockingham County Schools
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