Our School
Parents & Students
Art I
Credit: 1
Grade: 9-12
Weight: S
Prerequisite: None
Explore art with a variety of "hands on" activities in drawing, painting, sculpting, and printmaking. While exploring each area in Art I, develop an understanding of art history. You do not have to know how to draw; you just have to have a desire to learn.
Art II
Credit: 1
Grade: 10-12
Weight: S
Prerequisite: Visual Arts I
Continue the exploration of art criticism, drawing, painting, and other 2-dimensional media. This course is designed for the serious art students with advanced skills.
Credit: 1
Grade: 11-12
Weight: H
Prerequisite: Art II & Teacher Recommendation
Specialize your skills in personally selected areas of art and further your knowledge of art history and art criticism. For the serious art student and carries honors credit.
Art IV
Credit: 1
Grade: 12
Weight: H
Prerequisite: Art III & Teacher Recommendation
Continue the specialized skills emphasized in Art III. Work independently in a teacher-approved medium.
3D Visual Art
Credit: 1
Grade: 9-12
Weight: S
Prerequisite: Art I
Explore 3-dimensional media used in art making such as pottery and sculpture. This course is designed for the students who likes to work with his/her hands and enjoys design.
Credit: 1
Grade: 10-12
Weight: S
Prerequisite: Teacher Approval
Learn photography basics including manual operation of digital cameras. Students will learn darkroom skills and will develop their own images. There is a focus on photo-journalism and photo history.
Marching Band (Fall Semester)
Credit: 1
Grade: 9-12
Weight: S
Prerequisite: Band experience, audition, and previous instrumental training, or director permission, participation in Concert Band.
Course Description: Continue instrumental music instruction with an emphasis on musical performance. During the first nine weeks, performs at all home football games, competitions, selected away football games and local parades. Divisions for the marching band include winds, brass, percussion, and color guard*. During the second nine weeks the band transitions to concert season and performs concert literature for the winter concert. Literature is that of the standard wind band, with emphasis placed upon performing advanced quality literature.
(Note: All students signing up for color guard MUST play an instrument to be permitted to be a member of the color guard during the marching season).
Concert Band (Spring Semester)
Credit: 1
Grade: 9-12
Weight: S
Prerequisite: Band experience, audition, and previous instrumental training, or director permission, participation in Marching Band.
Course Description: Continue instrumental music instruction with an emphasis on musical performance. Expand your musical understanding and technical development. Literature is that of the standard wind band, with emphasis placed upon performing advanced quality literature.
Jazz Band
Credit: 1
Grade: 10-12
Weight: S
Prerequisite: Participation in Marching Band/Concert Band, Band experience, audition, previous instrumental training, or director permission. Ninth graders permitted if they are participants in the marching and concert bands.
Course Description: Expand your knowledge in the areas of Jazz, rhythm and blues, and soul music. Music is that of the standard big band.
Men's Chorale
Credit: 1
Grade: 9-12
Weight: S
Prerequisite: None
Learn the basic skills of vocal techniques, musical interpretation, note reading and basic musicianship through a variety of styles.
Women's Chorale
Credit: 1
Grade: 9-12
Weight: S
Prerequisite: None
Learn the basic skills of vocal techniques, musical interpretation, note reading and basic musicianship through a variety of styles.
Morehead Singers
Credit: 1
Grade: 10-12
Weight: Honors
Prerequisite: Men's Chorale / Women's Chorale and an Audition
Further your attainment of good skills in rhythm, interval recognition, tone production, blend and intonation. Study music from the Renaissance through today's popular styles.
Theatre Arts Beginning
Credit: 1
Grade: 9-12
Weight: S
Prerequisite: None
Explore an introduction to theatre with general background knowledge in storytelling, pantomime, voice, acting, theatre history, and movement. Participate in a one-act play for an audience directed by Technical Theatre student directors.
Technical Theatre Proficient/Advanced - Directing
Credit: 1
Grade: 11-12
Weight: H
Prerequisite: Theatre Arts Beginning, Theatre Arts Intermediate, Application
Students will work with the beginning theatre classes helping direct them in mini performances of pantomime, scene study, and storytelling. During the last 6 weeks, Directing students will choose a one-act play to direct Beginning Theatre students in. Directors will create character work, coach in acting, implement set and costume design ideas, and direct the play. Applicants must have good attendance and behavior.
Theatre Arts Intermediate
Credit: 1
Grade: 9-12
Weight: S
Prerequisite: Theatre Arts Beginning, application
Spring Semester only. Application required. As a part of the Intermediate, Proficient, and Advanced spring semester class, students will study method acting, technical theatre, and stage techniques. Participate in a variety of in class performances.
Theatre Arts Proficient
Credit: 1
Grade: 10-12
Weight: H
Prerequisite: Theatre Arts Beginning, monologue audition, application
Spring Semester only. Audition required for the honors credit. As a part of the Intermediate, Proficient, and Advanced spring semester class, students will study method acting, technical theatre, and stage techniques. Participate in a variety of in class performances.
Theatre Arts Advanced
Credit: 1
Grade: 10-12
Weight: H
Prerequisite: Theatre Arts Beginning, monologue audition, application
Spring Semester only. Audition required for the honors credit. As a part of the Intermediate, Proficient, and Advanced spring semester class, students will study method acting, technical theatre, and stage techniques. Participate in a variety of in class performances.
Acting and Play Production Proficient
Credit: 1
Grade: 10-12
Weight: H
Prerequisite: Theatre Arts Beginning, monologue audition, application
During the first 12+ weeks, students will work on producing two 0ne-act plays for the North Carolina Theatre Conference competition and play festival. Students will complete in-depth written character work, act in at least one role, participate as part of a technical theatre crew, and travel to competition. All students must have prior approval since this course involves mandatory after school dress rehearsals, performances, competition, and fundraising to compete. Students must be able to participate in the festival in order to be accepted into the class.
Acting and Play Production Advanced
Credit: 1
Grade: 11-12
Weight: H
Prerequisite: Theatre Arts Beginning, monologue audition, application
During the first 12+ weeks, students will work on producing two 0ne-act plays for the North Carolina Theatre Conference competition and play festival. Students will complete in-depth written character work, act in at least one role, participate as part of a technical theatre crew, and travel to competition. All students must have prior approval since this course involves mandatory after school dress rehearsals, performances, competition, and fundraising to compete. Students must be able to participate in the festival in order to be accepted into the class.
Technical Theatre Advanced - Stage Management
Credit: 1
Grade: 11-12
Weight: H
Prerequisite: Theatre Arts Beginning, application
During the first 12+ weeks, students will work on producing two 0ne-act plays for the North Carolina Theatre Conference competition and play festival. Stage Management students will lead the class in technical production including but not limited to set, props, stage crew, costumes, and make-up. Stage Managers will help organize and travel to competition. All students must have prior approval since this course involves mandatory after school dress rehearsals, performances, competition, and fundraising to compete. Students must be able to participate in the festival in order to be accepted into the class. A high level of responsibility is needed for this role, and only 1-2 students will be selected each fall.