Our School
Parents & Students
Our mission is to empower students for success through rigorous and relevant instruction for future readiness and productive citizenship.
Our School's Vision
Our vision is "TEAM MHS is Climbing Toward Success."
Beliefs of John Motley Morehead High School:
With the support of teachers, administrators, parents, and the community, we believe that all students can learn.
Students, teachers, and parents should be held accountable for student progress.
Challenging expectations increase individual student performance.
Student learning is the chief priority of the school and should be the focus of all decisions impacting the work of the school.
Teachers, administrators, parents, and the community should share a commitment to continuous school improvement so our students can be come confident, self-directed, life-long learners.
Students are valued individuals with unique physical, social, emotional, and intellectual needs who learn when given appropriate opportunities for success within a safe and physically comfortable environment.