Driver's Ed

Find information on requirements and state license procedures by visiting the RCS Driver's Ed page. To schedule your class or for information about the class, see additional information below.
The state has now approved Driver's Education to be taught at all schools.
Class Information
You are required to successfully complete 30 hours of classroom instruction and 6 hours of behind-the-wheel training.
Classroom dates are established for each semester and for the summer, as available based on the Rockingham County Schools’ budget. Dates and times will be posted on the school student body canvas shell. Announcements are also made on the intercom to remind students to register prior to the beginning of each new class.
Behind-the-wheel training is scheduled based on the student’s age. When it is your turn to drive, a driving instructor will call you. It is to your advantage to list the most reliable phone numbers on your class registration form, so that the instructor can reach you to arrange your time to drive.
The student must submit an online registration form for the classroom part of driver’s education to tentatively reserve a spot in the class. You will be notified if you are enrolled in the class. The first day of class is listed on the online format and you are expected to be there on the first day of class. If you have questions, contact one of the driver education instructors.
Pay a $25 fee at the Parent Meeting. This is a non-refundable payment. Cash or a check or money order payable to Morehead High School. If you do not pass the class or if you are dismissed from the class due to absences and/or disciplinary action, you will be required to pay the fee again to enroll in a new class.
What to take to the DMV to apply for a permit or license:
The student’s original birth certificate
The student’s original Social Security card.
The original copy of the Driver’s Education Certificate which certifies the student has completed driver's training at the school. The Driver’s Ed teacher issues this form to the student on the final day of driving instruction.
Your parent or legal guardian must come to the school to sign and receive the Driver Eligibility Form, which is required at DMV. The form gives the school consent to release academic and disciplinary information about students to DMV. You must have passed three out of four classes for the previous semester to receive the form. When the parent comes to sign the form, they must bring their ID and the student’s birth certificate, social security card, and Driver’s Education Certificate.