Rockingham County Schools utilizes the Alert Now: Connect 5 Phone Notification Service.
Parents & Students
Parent & Student Resources
On this page you will find a number of resources to help you navigate the RCS school system as well as important forms, enrollment information, and student programs. Click on a thumbnail below for more information.
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Links and Resources

Alert Now
Rockingham County Schools utilizes the Alert Now: Connect 5 Phone Notification Service.
Your child’s school will be utilizing the Alert Now: Connect 5 service for:
Back to School
Parent Conferences
Special Events
End of Grade Testing Dates
Sports Cancellations
Report Card Distribution
Make Up School Day Reminder
PTO/PTA/PTSO/Booster Clubs
Emergency Messages
Attendance / Absence Notification
The district will be utilizing the Alert Now:Connect 5 service for:
Weather Related Information
Emergency Messages
Other Important Information
To update your primary and emergency contact information, please call your child’s school.
To receive a replay of school and district messages sent to your phone, call 1-855-4-REPLAY or 1-855-473-7529.
Anyone who accidentally opted out of their RCS/school automated phone calls can easily opt back in. Call 855-502-7867 and select option 2. The call MUST be made from the opt-in phone number, which means schools cannot add a phone number for families. We don't want you to miss any important messages!
Canvas for Parents

Canvas for Parents is Now Open!
Students in grades 6 - 12 may access Canvas, our district Learning Management System, to receive daily announcements, assignments, class resources, and grades from their Chromebook. Students (and parent/guardian) can access their Canvas classes from any device 24/7 with single sign-in district log in the NCEDCloud.
Student can also download the Student Canvas App to their phones. Look for the Student Canvas App in your app store.
Parents can monitor their student’s class activities, assignment due dates and grades. Parents can download the Parent Canvas App to their phones. Look for the Parent Canvas App in your app store and follow the directions above to pair with your student(s).
You can submit a HELP ticket directly from Canvas for support in addition to contacting your teacher, school or the RCS Help Desk.
Canvas Parent-Student-Connections Instructions
Creating a Pairing Code (student perspective) Instructions
For more information or assistance with Canvas for parents, please email Jared Williams.
Dress Code

We ask our students to dress in an appropriate manner for school. Clean, neat, comfortable clothing, which allows your child to participate in all events of school without undue concern, will be most appropriate.
Appropriate size student dress and footwear is necessary to maintain a positive and safe school climate. Any clothing or accessories that endanger the safety of others is prohibited.
Clothing must be age appropriate, must not distract from the learning process, and cannot be provocative, revealing, indecent, or vulgar. (No short shorts or short skirts are allowed).
No headgear including but not limited to hats, earmuffs, bandanas, sweatbands, or sunglasses will be worn inside the school buildings.
All sleeveless tops must have shoulders, and all lops must have fitted arm opening. No spaghetti or tank tops are allowed. All tops must cover the waistband of the bottom garment. (Upper garments must cover the midriff at all times.)
Clothing will not be allowed which promotes alcoholic beverages, tobacco, the use of controlled substances, depicts violence, is of a sexual nature, is racist, is of a mesh or transparent material, or is of a disruptive nature.
Heavy chains or accessories or any attire that has the potential to be used as a weapon is prohibited.
No sagging pants allowed. All pants must be worn and fitted at the waist.
Any clothing or accessories recognized as being gang related are prohibited.
No rips or tears above the knee.
No undergarment should be visible.
Sleepwear is prohibited.
All shirts and tops must be no longer than the top of the leg.
No body piercings that are visible except in ears.
Frequently Requested Info

Below is a list of frequently requested info as well as link to helpful resources for both parents and students.
Attendance & Tardy Policy
Students tardy for school must report to the Front Office
Students arriving to school after 11:30 a.m. shall be counted absent for daily attendance.
Car trouble or lack of transportation is an unexcused absence.
Students tardy to school or to any class during the day will be assigned disciplinary consequences by the teacher/administration.
Work missed because of tardies (excused or unexcused) can be made up. Work not made up will result in the loss of credit. It is the student's responsibility to ask for any work missed.
Students failing to stay for the teacher assigned detention time will be referred to the office and will be assigned to ISS.
Students must be present for 50 percent of the class period in order to be counted present.
Transcript Requests
In order to provide more efficient and secure service, effective March 24, 2016, all 3rd Party Requests for Student Records, education verifications, corporate verifications, or related student records MUST be made using our secure online request system.
The online request form can be found here. Immunization Requirements
You can review state requirements by clicking here or visit our RCS Student Health page for additional details and information.
Work Permits
The work permit form may be printed from the NC Department of Labor website. Follow these instructions to complete the process correctly:
Students should complete the first section of the form to provide information about themselves: name, address, etc.
The employer completes the section about the job, business name and address, etc. and the employer signs the form.
The parent or guardian signs the form.
The student takes the form to either the Rockingham County Department of Social Services (in the Governmental Center in Wentworth) or to the Employment Security Commission office (across from Rockingham High School in Wentworth).
The student must provide proof of age (a photo id with birth date or a birth certificate) and the student must sign the form in the presence of the issuing officer. Do not sign the form until the issuing officer at the agency directs you to do so!
Educational Resources

In order to help our students achieve academic success, we will compile helpful websites that assist in the learning process.
Senior Project Help
The goal of this website is to help students enhance their school based projects using technology skills, hardware, and software available in our schools for student use. Don't forget to use the ActivBoard when presenting your project in class!
Volunteer Resources
Parent Guides

Parents’ Guide to Student Success (listed below in English and Spanish) was developed in response to the Common Core State Standards in English language arts and mathematics that more than 40 states have adopted.
Created by teachers, parents, education experts, and others from across the country, the standards provide clear, consistent expectations for what students should be learning at each grade in order to be prepared for college and career.
The National PTA® created the guides for grades K-8 and two for grades 9-12 (one for English language arts/literacy and one for mathematics).
The Guide includes:
Key items that children should be learning in English language arts and mathematics in each grade, once the standards are fully implemented.
Activities that parents can do at home to support their child's learning.
Methods for helping parents build stronger relationships with their child's teacher.
Tips for planning for college and career (high school only).
Parent Guides - English
This guide provides an overview of what your child will learn during high school in English.
This guide provides an overview of what your child will learn during high school in mathematics.
Guía Para Padres Para Fomentar El Éxito Escolar
Inglés En La Escuela Preparatoria
Esta guía presenta un panorama general de lo que aprenderá su hijo en artes lingüísticas de inglés en la escuela preparatoria.
Matemática En La Escuela Preparatoria
Esta guía presenta un panorama general de lo que aprenderá su hijo en matemática en la escuela preparatoria.
Parent Resources

Below are a number of resources for both students and parents.
Homework Assistance Line (336) 623-3689
Rockingham County Schools’ Homework Assistance Line (“HAL”) is served by licensed teachers for students in grades
K-12. Students or parents may call and have a teacher help them work out problems or explain assignments in core and advanced subject areas.
Days / Hours of Operation:
Monday-Thursday 4:00 pm – 8:00 pm, beginning in September after Labor Day and ending one week before End-of-Grade Tests.
The Homework Assistance Line is closed every teacher workday, holiday, day before a holiday and when schools are closed or released early due to bad weather.
Bullying and Awareness Protection
Policy Statement Regarding Bullying
Rockingham County School is opposed to bullying. Bullying is behavior by an individual or group, repeated over time,
that intentionally inflicts suffering on another individual or group. Bullying is wrong and damages children. It can include intentional hurt to others, can be physical or emotional, and is often motivated by prejudice against particular groups.
Rockingham County Schools recognizes the seriousness of bullying in causing psychological damage and even suicide. For this reason we seek to promote good behavior in all that the students do, rather than merely deter anti-social behavior. It is recognized that no school is likely to be completely free from incidents of bullying from time to time but
the schools regard bullying as particularly serious and firm action will always be taken against it. In cases of severe and persistent bullying the more serious disciplinary sanctions as outlined in the Disciplinary Regulation Reference Guide
may be imposed by the school. The school district has several policies around bullying that apply to all members of
our school community.
Several Board Policies address bullying and harassment. It is important to read and know what each policy addresses
and to understand the role of the RCS employee as it relates to their responsibilities in investigating acts of bullying or harassment. RCS School Board policies are aligned with relevant legislation and governmental guidance.
1710/4021/7230 - Prohibition Against Discrimination, Harassment and Bullying
1720/4015/7225 - Discrimination, Harassment and Bullying Complaint Procedure
1730/4022/7231 - Nondiscrimination On the Basis of Disabilities
4300 - Student Behavior Policies and Code of Student Conduct
Rockingham County is fully committed to ensuring that the application of this policy is non-discriminatory. Further
details are available in the school’s Equal Opportunity Policy document. Rockingham County Schools seeks to
implement this policy through adherence to the procedures set out in the rest of this document. Below is the
Anti-Bullying Brochure for the district.
Other School Resources:
Be There

Be There is a multimedia campaign designed to inspire families to become more involved in their children's education.
The Idea Behind the Be There Campaign –
Constant inspirational reminders to Be There for children that will change behaviors and make connecting with children the new norm throughout our nation.
Be There Goals:
• To improve student achievement through increased family involvement.
• To align parent activities with state/district goals.
• To support educators by making it easier for parents to become effective partners.
• To show families that simple, easy connections with children make a huge difference.

PBIS = Positive Behavioral Intervention Support
Below is an overview of our PBIS Program
Positive Behavior Intervention Support is a school wide program promoting positive behaviors based on a matrix. RAMS are Responsible, Accountable, Motivated, and Successful.
Members include: PBIS Coach Sharon Fikes, PBIS Coach Beth Smith Mr. Armstrong, 1st Sgt. Bigelow, Ms. Moore Mr. Rice, Ms. R Wells , Dr. Ormond, Mrs. Y. Stubblefield, Ms. Ramsey, Ms. Beth Woodard, Mrs. C. Horton, Mrs. A. Mitchell
Responsible | Accountable | Motivated | Successful | |
Classrooms | Attend classes regularly and on time | Be prepared, bring all necessary materials to class Turn in all work | Be an active learner Focus on the lesson | Complete all assignments Follow directions of your teachers |
Cafeteria | Wait your turn in line Remain in the cafeteria until lunch is over | Make healthy food choices Use appropriate language | Use your time wisely Respect the cafeteria staff | Monitor your lunch account balance Throw away all trash |
Common Areas/Hallway | Avoid distractions Take direct routes to your classes | Use appropriate language Manage your time well | Get to class on time Have a positive attitude | Be courteous Talk quietly |
Restrooms | Wash your hands | Keep it clean | Return to class quickly | Respect privacy |
Digital and Technology Usage | Protect your electronics devices | Use only appropriate websites | Stay focused while utilizing the internet | Turn in all online assignments |