Our School
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Below are quick links to various information about the curriculum programs and academics offered at Reidsville Middle School. Click on any link to view content. Some links will take you to the Rockingham County Schools website for general district information.
Curricula Overview:
Reidsville Middle School supports students in becoming well-rounded, responsible, and contributing citizens in a diverse society. The school follows the Common Core State Standards and NC Essential Standards and strives to provide an engaging 21st century learning environment for all students to become college and career ready. Language arts, math, science, and social studies are the core classes that are emphasized. Students have the opportunity to select from a number of electives that include:
Audio Visual Arts
Business Computer Technology
Computer Applications
Library/Student Media Assistant
Physical Education
All students participate in a 30 minute enrichment period designed to improve student understanding and student achievement.
Teachers employ research based teaching strategies in the classrooms that are driven from data derived from assessments. The pacing guides to the left can be accessed by teachers with their login credentials.
The curriculum followed is determined by the State of North Carolina - NC Department of Public Instruction.