Our School
Special Services & Facilities
Reidsville Middle School is completely networked for access from a main file server in the media center. Our school offers two flexible computer labs. All of our regular core course classrooms are equipped with Activboards and projectors to maximize student learning. Many of these classes also use Lumens document cameras for presenting primary sources. Telephones and voicemail are available for all personnel.
The school provides a full range of academic services including Exceptional Children Inclusion. Sixth and seventh grade students have three 90 minute blocks, and eighth graders have four 65 minute classes periods of instruction for core subject areas which meet all year. Students also enroll in two additional elective courses each semester for a total of four per year. RMS also incorporates an enrichment period that allows students to grow in their reading and math skills. The Instructional Coaches assists with curriculum mapping and learning strategies.
Special School Events
PTSO and the Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS) Program provide rewards to students on a regular basis with prizes, socialization and special events. Band and chorus students travel to unique and fun places to perform and compete with other middle schools in North Carolina. Other students participate in academic competitions in the region.